Discussions around open source logging software are always a hot topic. While open source projects have their merits, it's essential to understand the total cost of ownership and why licensing is only a small portion of the total solution. LogZilla began as an open source project called PHP-Syslog-NG, giving us experience on both sides of the field.

Open Source: Total Cost of Ownership

Open source logging solutions might seem cost-effective initially, but hidden costs often arise. These solutions usually require external support and numerous add-ons to achieve necessary functionality, leading to additional licensing, maintenance, and support fees. Essentially, they provide the "engine" without the "car," resulting in significant admin time just to get the solution running. Tasks like creating dashboards, writing patterns for log normalization, and defining actionable log messages can consume many hours. In contrast, LogZilla works out-of-the-box, saving hundreds of hours of work.

Unplanned expenses can significantly impact your budget. Larger deployments tend to be more expensive due to higher messaging rates, increased infrastructure costs for compute instances and storage, and the need to manage more servers.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Open Source Solution

  • Software License Costs: Typically, a small component of the overall cost.
  • Internal Costs: Include architecture, deployment, and management of the solution. This involves determining the scale of the deployment, managing performance, and demonstrating value effectively.
  • LogZilla vs. Open Source: LogZilla saves customers money compared to open source tools by offering:
    • Significantly fewer servers needed (LogZilla outperforms other solutions by 100x).
    • Approximately 60% lower storage costs per day, thanks to LogZilla's intelligent deduplication algorithm.
    • Simplified administration and management, with installation taking minutes and being fully operational.
    • Lower compute instance costs in cloud environments compared to managed services.

Scalability, Efficiency, and Ease of Use

  • Ease of Use: LogZilla can be learned in about 30 minutes, reducing training costs and minimizing disruption.
  • Easy Documentation: The documentation is built into the product and is also available online.
  • LogZilla University: LogZilla University offers short, easy modules for novices and experts alike.
  • Query Language: LogZilla uses a simple Google-like search, unlike many open source tools that require learning SQL-like syntax.

Open Source Support and Data Confidentiality Concerns

  • Support: Open source support is either community-based or via paid engagement. High-availability solutions typically require support level agreements, which are costly. With LogZilla, support and maintenance are included with the subscription.
  • Data Confidentiality: Open source solutions often lack security or IP protections when sharing issues. LogZilla has a secure support infrastructure, ensuring data confidentiality.

Performance Comparison

Open source tools often face performance issues due to memory inefficiencies, requiring more dedicated resources and increasing costs. LogZilla, written in C++, is designed to be the most scalable log management solution available, with significantly lower resource utilization.

LogZilla's high-performance engine offers: - High parsing rates for unstructured data. - Efficiency that is orders of magnitude greater than competitors. - 75% reduction in capital costs for computing resources. - Up to 95% reduction in operating costs. - No storage-based licensing model. - Can also be used as a "pre-processing" unit in front of other solutions, saving up to 90% on OpEx and licensing.

Evaluating the Cost of Open Source Logging Solutions

While open source software licensing might be free, there are significant hidden costs. To learn more about how LogZilla can make your team more proactive and help you become a Network Hero, let us show you!‍

May 30, 2024

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