Reduce the noise and resolve in seconds

Protecting patient data comes with a magnitude of challenges and it is constantly evolving. Securing patient data and monitoring medical devices can mean life and death for a patient — making the job of hospital security operations teams critical.

The use of digital medical devices has brought more accurate and time-saving efficiencies to the patient experience; however, these benefits are also creating increased vulnerabilities to cyber attacks. The sheer volume of data to streamline many processes is strangling network systems at its core, posing growing risks to the Hospital’s security teams, but also to the patients themselves (triple ransomware).

+   Costs associated with large data ingestion volumes and storage costs
+   Triple ransomware threats... extending to patients’ data
+   Training that requires days and weeks when personnel is already short-staffed
+   Real time access to mitigate DDoS attacks

LogZilla brings together insightful data from multiple sources and disparate systems to enable Hospital network, security, and IT operations teams to make informed decisions quickly, saving valuable time, resources, and ‘crisis brand’ trust. LogZilla NEO extends across the different data silos to create automations that resolve incidents in seconds and can be your most affordable and quickest line of defense against ransomware attacks.

Learn more about LogZilla. Request a 5-minute demo HERE